The future of retailer and brand collaboration

Unmatched industry visibility for run specialty brands.

Join Run Specialty retailers on UQ Cadence - The Run Specialty Industry Data Sharing Platform

Pacers Running
Gazelle Sports
Charlotte Running Co.
Athletic Annex
Charm City Run

UQ Cadence is the Run Specialty Industry Data Sharing Platform for easy sell-through and inventory insights.

Know where you are winning and losing, daily.

Compare your brand’s performance across retailers with our Accounts Summary report. Your team will start their day discovering new opportunities and knowing what accounts need attention.

Looking for the next step toward improvement? Go deeper into each account’s numbers with Retailer Check-in, a report designed specifically to facilitate regular discussions. Track detailed sell-through, inventory, and more at a product level to guide each account with confidence.

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Check the Pulse of the Industry

Analyze market share, online sales, and even customer brand loyalty across Run Specialty as a whole. Our industry-wide reports go down to the product level to compare your brand with others for any time period. The best part? They’re updated daily so you’ll never miss a new trend.

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Engineered for scale, clean-data, and security

We collect, aggregate, and clean data from run specialty and comfort retailers.

Our team and platform does the dirty work of connecting and cleaning data from 100s of instances of POS system and e-commerce platforms, freeing up your resources for other priorities. Give your team clean data from a majority of run specialty accounts via our web-based visual analytics platform or in your own analytics tools.

We're not like other industry analysts

Daily account, industry, and customer insights you can trust.

Make better inventory and co-op allocation decisions with sell-through insights.


Reduce your liabilities and optimize pull opportunities with daily inventory visibility.


Quickly know if you have an issue.

Customer Loyalty

Track what percentage of your sales are new or repeat customers at the brand and product family level.

Co-op Performance

Optimize co-op allocation and activations using cost per purchase and ROAS metrics.

Governed by a Data Creed

UQ Cadence is governed by our Data Creed, which gives the retailers control of their data. Retailer opts-in and selects who to share with and what to share.

Source Agnostic

We have connectors for all the major POS and e-commerce platforms in run specialty. We can connect a retailer to Cadence with a few clicks.

Full transparency
Retailer opt-in – you own and control your data and can opt-out any time
Retailer controls what brands they share with and what they share
Customer identities are NEVER shared
Data is never sold or used for marketing purposes
100% compliance with consumer privacy and protection laws and regulations
Multi-Factor authentication
No shaming – we never expose metrics that would cause embarrassment

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